
Hello and welcome! I’ve decided to take the plunge and try and create a blog. Do something creative and learn something new.

The current aim for this blog is an outlet for me to post about anything really. Whatever is inspiring or exciting. I enjoy trying new beauty products frequently, so reviews of beauty products will be frequent. Fitness and Wellness content might pop up too. I love trying new fitness products.

I was struggling with coming up with a blog name. My name was taken, I really couldn’t think of anything super clever, and I also didn’t want to be super niche. I want to be able to write about anything. I came to “GlowingwithKris” as the top contender. I felt as if it could encompass anything that excites you, that lights up your eyes when you talk abut it.

But yes,

Stay tuned for super exciting posts.

And thank you to anyone who’s read this for stopping by.

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